Terms of Use

Last updated: Monday 12th June, 2023

Welcome to the website of FalseHope Games Inc. ("we", "us", or "our"). Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using our website.

1. Services

Our website provides general information about our company and our games, and allows visitors to contact us via email and social media links. Visitors can also sign up for our mailing list.

2. Age Restrictions

There are no age restrictions for using our website.

3. User Conduct

Users are expected to communicate with us in a respectful, abuse-free manner. Any illegal content or spam is strictly forbidden. When signing up for our mailing list, users should only provide their own email address or an email address they have explicit consent to use.

4. User Accounts

Our website does not offer the ability to create user accounts.

5. User-Generated Content

Our website does not host any user-generated content.

6. Copyright Infringement

Any copyrighted content that is emailed to us without the legal rights to do so will be deleted.

7. Violations

Violations of these Terms of Use may result in IP address and email address blocks.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Use, you can contact us via the support email address provided on our website.

9. Changes to These Terms

We may update these Terms of Use from time to time. If we make significant changes, we will notify all subscribed users via email. For unsubscribed visitors, we will keep the Terms of Use dated so you can see when the most recent update was.