Who Are We?

Revisiting A Classic Gaming Mindset

Welcome to FalseHope Games, an ambitious, independent game development studio established in 2023. Our small but dedicated team is passionate about thinking outside the box and stretching every resource to its limit. As a self-published studio, we have the freedom to experiment, innovate, and create unique gaming experiences we hope return to a simpler time of gaming where the focus is on enjoyable gameplay that actually respects the player offering them an easy to learn but difficult to master challenge. We focus on putting the actual mechanics of games first so that they are fun to play rather than focusing on just being good to look at. We hope that our games are also good to look at of course but we understand our own limitations and work with them rather than against them.

Building Big with Less

We're currently working with the open source Godot engine, and we're committed to pushing its capabilities to the absolute limit on multiple platforms. We see our limited resources in general as a challenge of its own and a way to inform the decisions we make. While we can't compete in some areas, we hope to excel in others and allow the limitations to promote our creativity, leading to games remain extremely fun to play in a way that goes back to the very basics. We currently have two games on the way built to this mindset which you can read about below, and we very much hope that we will leave you pleasantly surprised in this regard.

Our Games

Blind Hope

Blind Hope is our biggest game, a first-person 3D horror game that challenges player perceptions. In this game, you'll step into the shoes of a blind protagonist, a WWI veteran named Alexander in the year 1940. Navigate through an unusual and terrifying environment using only memory vision (a visual rendering of your environment based on the memory of static objects and walls) and various particle effects to represent sensory information, such as scents, sounds, and touch. We've focused on making the game an enjoyable horror experience in which the lack of true vision adds to the horror, while also giving rise to a unique playstyle playing to the limitations. This is a perfect example of where our limitations helped us get creative. When you don't have the budget or team members for flashy 3D animations and art, what can you do? That's right, you can blind the player character.

Count to Ten

We also have Count to Ten, a very simple game, but if our testing is anything to go off, a very addictive game as well. It challenges players to tap numbers in sequence with each successful tap making the game increasingly difficult, with more distractions, rules, and complications. No two playthroughs will be the same and you'll quickly find yourself experiencing that classic "one more game" feeling as you keep trying to beat your highscore. This game is inspired in part by classic arcade games that you pick up and have as much fun as you want in the time you have available. Originally we were only releasing this on mobile platforms for feedback from testers and a few edits to code has allowed for us to port this game to desktop computers as well. Count to Ten actually has its own website as well which you can find by clicking the link here and following to the main site or by going to ctt.game.